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Astonomical Clock

Birth Chart Horoscope




Birth chart or kundali is a pictorial representation of planets at the time of a child's birth. It is an astronomical birth chart, created on the basis of the exact date, time and place of birth of an individual. This chart denotes various positions of planets and constellations at the time of the child's birth. Below we have provided you with a birth chart calculator, with the help of which you can create your own kundli or birth chart and witness the grandeur of planets, their movements, conjunctions and overall impact on your life.

As per the definition, a birth chart, also known as a Kundli or natal chart, is a photographic representation of the placement of stars, nakshatras, planets and other celestial things in the Universe at the time of birth of a native. The birth chart consists of twelve houses or Bhavas with planets being posited or moving in a certain direction. This astrology chart helps astrologers deduce the personality and character of the native along with what's in store for him/her in the future.

This astrology chart contains 12 divisions or bhavas. These bhavas are related to our life's events at different ages. People go to an astrologer if they face any difficulty in day to day routine of life. If something goes wrong, they visit an astrologer to know the reason or nullify the bad effects present in the natal chart. Let's understand how these 12 houses or bhavas denote different aspects of our life.

First house (Lagna): Physical health, wealth, body, strength, longevity, head, brain, social stature, fame, character; 

Second house: Finances, speech, inclinations, food, taste, immediate family members, eyes, vision, teeth, tongue, oral cavity; 

Third house: Siblings, courage, physical fitness, hobbies, talent, longevity of parents, sports, neighborhood, dreams, ears, hearing, neck, longevity; 

Fourth house: Home, mother, lands, houses, farming, comforts at home, vehicles, chest, lungs, breast, heart; 

Fifth house: Progeny, learning, thinking, higher education, scholarship, fascinations, discrimination, speculation, heart, upper abdomen, liver, gall bladder, pregnancy; 

Sixth house: Enemy, disease, accidents, injury, wounds, theft, loans, debts, quarrels, imprisonment, pets, servants, intestines, appendix, kidneys, tuberculosis, poisoning; 

Seventh house: Spouse, sexual partner, marriage, adultery, lust or passion, sexual union, love affairs, business partners, attainment of status, lower urinary tract, prostate; 

Eighth house: Longevity, death, obstacles, defeat, discontinuity, sin, killing a living being, nature or place of death, amputation, external genitalia, wickedness, intrigues, scandals, inheritance, hidden treasure; 

Ninth house: Dharma; virtuous deeds, pilgrimage, religious inclination, destiny, father, preceptor, spiritual inclination, long journey, hips, thighs;

Tenth house: Karma, vocation, source of livelihood, government service, high status, royal honours, political power, knee joint; 

Eleventh house: Gains, Earning, acquisitions, fulfilment of desires, longevity of mother, rewards, recognition, achievements, proficiency, legs, recovery from illness; 

Twelfth house: Expenditure, loss of wealth, pleasures of the bed, loss of authority, distant travel, foreign lands, secret learning, emancipation, loss of sleep, hospitalization, mental imbalance, feet, death.

Importance of Birth Chart Horoscope

  • Analyzing a birth chart can help you in realizing the drawbacks within you so that you can overcome that in order to achieve success.

  • Birth or natal chart based analysis can provide you with the information regarding your accumulated wealth, finances and inheritance.

  • This zodiac chart helps you to enhance your communicative ability and the way you connect yourself through your communication to the world

  • It tells you about your fixed assets like land and property, machinery etc. It also helps you regarding your investments and their outcomes in near future.

  • Birth Chart provides you information about your creative ability, children after marriage.

  • This astronomical birth chart proposes an insight about your hidden enemies, debt and health, how to recover from illness etc.

  • It reveals information about your spouse and married life.

  • This astrology chart known as the birth chart or kundli can reveal about your income and gains during this lifetime.

  • Evaluating a natal chart can guide you the towards path of spirituality and moksha. It also tells about your expenditure.

  • Kundli or birth chart can guide you regarding your profession and career. It also depicts your education and effects of travels on your life.

In conclusion, birth chart or kundali of the person plays vital role in one's life. How and where one's life is being directed, time of events etc., these all are previously defined in chart.

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