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Navagraha Stotra as Remedy


The effects of Navagraha or nine planets can be clearly seen on a person’s life. By using some simple remedies to calm down these planets, a lot of problems in our lives can be solved. A lot of different remedies have been mentioned out of which mantras play a very important role. A lot of similar principles have been mentioned in astrology. Navagraha stotra is one such compilation of mantras. By reading this stotra, Navagraha can be calmed down. Planets can be calmed down by reading Navagraha stotra and making donations. Navagraha stotra is considered to be very important for calming down Navagraha.

Worship Navagraha ( Nene Planets )

The importance of Navagraha stotra has been mentioned in Puranas. First of all, Navagraha are worshipped and their idols are established. Appropriate mantras are chanted for Navagraha. Dhoop, Agarbatti, camphor, saffron, sandalwood, rice, turmeric, clothes, five ratna, lamps, cloves, Shrifal etc are used for this worship.

A Navagraha mandal with nine blocks should be created for the worship of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Navagraha are established in these blocks. Sun should be in the centre, Moon in Agneya, Mars in south, Mercury in Ishan, Jupiter in North, Venus in East, Saturn in West, Rahu in Nai Tretya and Ketu in Vayaska.

Once planets are established, they should be worshipped with dedication and devotion. Things associated with Navagraha should be donated. For example, wheat and jaggery can be donated for Sun.

Moon is the karak planet for mind and mother. Hence, sugar, milk and milk products should be donated. You can even donate white colored products. Fragrance from Jasmine flowers is also considered to be auspicious for Moon.

For worshipping Mars, you can donate jaggery, Masur dal, pomegranate, oats and honey. You can also donate fragrance made from red sandalwood and oil.

For worshipping Mercury, you can donate cardamom, green colored objects, peas, barley and moong dal. Using fragrance made from Champa flowers and oil is also considered to be auspicious.

For calming down Jupiter, you can donate grams, besan, corns, banana, turmeric, yellow clothes and fruits. Fragrance of yellow flowers and saffron also give auspicious results.

For worshipping Venus, you should donate sugar, sugar crystals, radish, silver, white flowers, camphor and sandalwood.

For calming down Saturn, you should donate black sesame seeds, urad dal, black pepper, peanut oil, cloves, iron and saunf.

For worshipping Rahu and Ketu, Urad dal, sesame seeds and sarson can be donated. A nice fragrance is also considered to be auspicious.

Navagraha Stotra

Japakusuma samkasham kashyapeyam maha-dyutim
Dhantarirang sarva-paapa-ghnam pranatosmi diva-karam

Dibha-shamkha-tusha-raabham kshiraarnava samudbhavam
Namami shashinam soma shamborma-juta bhushanam

Dharani-gabha sombhutam vidyutkamti samaprabham
Kumaram shakti-hastam tam mangalam pranama-myaham

Priyamgu-kakaashyamam rupena-pratimam budham
Sowmyam sowmya-guno-petam tam budham pranama-myaham

Devanamcha wrishinamcha guru kamchana-sannibham
Buddi-matam trilo-kesham tam namami briha-spatim

Hima kumva-mrina-labham daityanam-paramam-gurum
Sarwa-shastra prava-ktaram bhar-gavam pranama-myaham

Neelaamjana samabhasam ravi-prutram yama-grajam
Chhaya-martamda sambhutam tam shanim pranama-myaham

Ardha-kayam maha-viram chandra-ditya vimardhanam
Simhi-kagarbha sambhutam tam rahum pranama-myaham

Palasha puspa-samkasham taraka graha mastakam
Rowdram rowdra-tmakam ghoram tam ketum pranama-myaham

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