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About Zodiac Signs


What is zodiac sign explain?

In astrology, a sign of the zodiac refers to one of 12 specific constellations of the zodiac that the sun passes through. A person's particular sign of the zodiac is the one that the sun was in when they were born. It is a belief in astrology that a person's personality can be predicted using their sign of the zodiac.

What's so special about zodiac signs?

That is where zodiac signs come into play, helping us discover things about ourselves that we may otherwise have overlooked. Horoscope signs tell us about our personality, character and emotions, all things that help us understand ourselves and our relationships with others.

The word zodiac is used in astronomy and astrology to refer to the band of sky over which the sun, moon, and planets move–as seen from Earth, at least. The zodiac contains a number of constellations, and the sun (or other celestial body) is said to be “in” a constellation when it moves into the portion of the zodiac that includes that constellation. The zodiac can be traced back to ancient civilizations, such as the ancient Greeks and Romans, who believed the position of heavenly bodies could be used to predict the future. For them, astronomy and astrology were one and the same–which is definitely not the case anymore!

In astrology, a sign of the zodiac refers to one of 12 specific constellations of the zodiac that the sun passes through. A person’s particular sign of the zodiac is the one that the sun was in when they were born. It is a belief in astrology that a person’s personality can be predicted using their sign of the zodiac. According to astrology, it is also possible to predict the future by looking at the position of the sun, moon, and planets in comparison to the zodiac constellations. An astrological map of the planets and zodiac signs is called a horoscope; the word horoscope is also used to refer to a prediction of the future using such a map.

What are the 12 zodiacs?

In Western astrology, and formerly astronomy, the zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each occupying 30° of celestial longitude and roughly corresponding to the star constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

What zodiac signs go well together?

The most compatible zodiac sun sign pairs are:

  • Aries and Libra.

  • Taurus and Pisces.

  • Gemini and Aquarius.

  • Cancer and Capricorn.

  • Leo and Sagittarius.

  • Virgo and Scorpio.

  • Libra and Gemini.

  • Scorpio and Cancer

the zodiac is divided into four elements. This four elements are- 1] Fire element, 2] Earth element, 3] Air element and 4] Water element. 

1] Fire element:-  Aries. Leo and Sagittarius. [ Assertion, drive, willpower ]

2] Earth element:- Taurus, Libra and Capricorn. [ Communication, socialization, conceptualization ] 

3] Air element:- Gemini, Scorpio and Aquarius. [ Practicality, caution, material world ] 

4] Water element:- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. [ Emotion, empathy, sensitivity ] 

Rashis or Signs:- The Zodiac of 360 degrees is subdivided inti 12 rashis or signs. Each rashi is an arc of 30 degrees on the zodiac. The rashi rising on the eastern horizon at a given moment of time is called the Lagna or Ascendant, and indicates the first house of the Horoscope. These rashis have their own special characteristics of rashi are being given here:-

1] Mesha - Aries - 0 - 30 degrees

2] Vrisha - Taurus - 30 - 60 degrees

3] Mithuna - Gemini - 60 - 90 degrees

4] Karka - Cancer - 90 - 120 degrees

5] Simha - Leo - 120 - 150 degrees 

6] Kanya - Virgo - 150 - 180 degrees 

7] Tula - Libra - 180 - 210 degrees

8] Vrishchika - Scorpio - 210 - 240 degrees 

9] Dhanu - Sagittarius - 240 - 270 degrees

10] Makara - Capricorn - 270 - 300 degrees 

11] Kumbha - Aquarius  300 - 330 degrees 

12] Meena -  Pisces -  330 - 360 degrees 

What zodiac signs are male?

Here's what you should know about them. Most masculine zodiac signs: According to astrology, fire and air signs are masculine, i.e. Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are all masculine zodiac signs. And earth and water are feminine zodiac signs- Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Which Zodiac signs are movable, fixed and mutable ? 

The movable signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. the fixed or Sthir signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. 


East:  Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

South: Taurus, Libra and Capricorn.

West: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

North: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. 

The Importance of twelve zodiac signs in Astrology

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