Effect of Mars in astrology, A strong Mars in horoscope indicates favorable scenarios for a native, Mars in Astrology, If Mars is weak in the horoscope, it shall make you a coward, Mars in different houses.
If Mars is placed in the Lagna (Ascendant)
Gives delusion, stubbornness, wounded body, courage and fierceness. If Mars is in the lagna, the native will suffer from hemorrhoids, fistula and stomach ailments. According to Jyotish-Kalpaltika, Lagna aspected by Mars causes childhood indigestion, toothache, weakness, mucus, sinful and bad character. According to the text of 'Chintamani' there is fear of bonds, teeth and fire. The native has loss of wife and son, headache and eye pain. The native is energetic like a lion. He works but is not satisfied with the results. On the other hand the native is rheumatoid and limbless. The malefic effects of lagna bhava past Mars are reduced only by the auspicious yoga or drishti of Jupiter.
Lagna bhava Mars aspected by Sun makes the native arrogant, Mars aspected by Moon angry, Mars aspected by Mercury gangster and Mars aspected by Ketu poisonous. Only svakshetrastha, tungastha, mahaltrikonastha and Jupiter's kshetra lagna Mars give good results. According to me if Mars is in Sinhala the native will be physically strong, active and influential person. He has faith in fate. If Mars is placed in Capricorn, the person will live a life of splendor. Apart from this, if the ascendant Mars in other places is not good and strong, the native will suffer from stomach disease and dental disease in childhood. Such natives are weak, crooked and sinful.
If Mars is placed in the second house i.e. Dhansthana
In the scriptures, Dhanbhavastha Mars is said to be unsuccessful. However, if wealth benefic, the native is ruthless, merciless, sojourner, dangerous, sportsmanlike, ill-intentioned and unwise. He is greedy, miserly and ill-mannered. If Mars is auspicious, the native is rich in agriculture, prosperous and a metal-assassin. Malefic Mars makes the native indebted and in danger. If Mars is aspected by sva kshetra or tunga case, Mars does not produce malefic effects. If the native of Sinha lagna is in wealth, there is no paternal luck. According to Hera Ratna, if Mars is in the second house, chemists, agriculturists, fire products and land earn wealth. Soldiers or Police Departments are borrowers and lenders. He is a dice-player and jeweler. According to the book 'Chintamani', if Mars is in the second aspect, the native's need for relatives and wealth is not valid. Usually their wealth is not shared. But all are losers with him. No one can advance before him in dispute.
If the horoscope of Cancer lagna is blessed with wealth, then it gives full good results. Again, if that Mars is aspected or aspected by Jupiter, the caste is strong. Wealthy, landowning and highly reputed in police, military or works department. His expertise in chemistry may develop. If the native of Leo lagna is well in the second, he will give good results from among enemies. But he will not be on good terms with his relatives. For other Lagnas, the results of the second house benefic will be judged according to the malefics of the significator and discrimination from auspicious planets.
Kujjiva yoga is added to Mars with Jupiter. In this way there is increase in wealth and happiness from family. Secondly only Jupiter aspected or aspected Mars gives good results.
Usually Mars in the second house makes the native skilled in agriculture and metal trade. Although Jataka-Jatika is weak, suffering is tolerant.
If Mars is placed in the 3rd house
One of the places in Upchaya Sthana is the 3rd house. Malefic places give good results. So if Mars is in the third, the native is brave, generous, mighty, graceful, energetic and long-lived. They can attain status in the state and are capable of enjoying good fortune. But third Mars is not compatible with brother and there is possibility of premature death of first brother or sister. If Mars is in the third house in Nicharasi, there is no possibility of destruction of brothers and sisters of the native - this is a very subtle and important judgment signal. If malefic or debilitated Mars is in the third, the native is dejected and a dirty house dweller. They suffer from any serious illness or disease. If Mars in 3rd is exalted or own sign makes the native rich and long-lived. If lord of 3rd house is in 8th house and Mars is debilitated then the native is defeated in disputes. If Mars planet in 3rd house and with lord of 3rd house – all three are strong, the native will be blessed with results. Natives are very warlike, litigious etc.
According to Sanatan Astrology, when Mars is in the third house, the native is brave, mighty and generous. He shares the turmoil from Anuj. His wealth increased. It is also mentioned that there is a loss of wealth in the transfer of books. The above-mentioned general results of the 3rd aspected Mars—the malefic aspect and the influence of enemy-friendly planets—become somewhat unbalanced. For example, 3rd house Mars afflicted by malefics such as negative, inimical houses and Rahu, Saturn causes loss of wealth. People live in vermin-infested and unsanitary homes. The native is timid and unenthusiastic. On the other hand, strong Mars gives good results. Third aspect weak Mars has the possibility of loss of both elder and younger. If the third lord is Mars, the native will be angry.
If Mars is placed in the fourth house
During the child's childhood, the mother has a strong rishta or inauspiciousness. Jataka is stupid or stupid. He is likely to have physical afflictions, exile and mood swings. He serves the lowly. Wanders in various places. There is no such thing as friends and happiness. There is a possibility of danger from his house and vehicles. Fourth house benefic gives all kinds of good results, but the native is made unhappy by friends. The native gets land, clothes and favors from the royal government. If Mars is in the fourth house, there will be bhoumadosa in the judgment of marriage. His wife or husband suffers loss. If Mars is a Rajyoga factor and is strong in the fourth, it gives the native great power and success in all activities. Weak Mars causes destruction, strife, loss of wife, maternal pain, family turmoil and loss from rude friends. Natives live in damp, vermin-infested places. If malefic Mars is in IV there is no continuous peace in married life. He may have chest disease or injury. If Aries Ascendant lord Mars placed in cancer, the person may faced lots of problem. because in cancer the Mars is debilitated.
If Mars is placed in the fifth house
The native suffers a lot. His wife, sons and friends are disturbed. His nature is fickle. He suffers from rheumatic fever. His Jathragni remains strong. His mind is always addicted to sin. He remains childless, even if a divine son is born, there is a possibility that the son will die prematurely. If Mars is exalted in its own house, in a friendly house or Jupiter is aspected or aspected, to what extent the inauspicious results are destroyed. But despite this, complete auspicious results are not obtained. Inferior, enemy house or enemy aspected fifth house malefic causes endless misery. Jataka or Shatrudrishta Panchamabhagat Mangal becomes an endless sufferer. Jataka-Jatika always strives to be a child. The caste is intelligent. According to the Mansagar book, if Mars is in Swagriha or in Tungakshetra, it is auspicious. Parashara also says that Mars gives good results if it is endowed with good qualities.
If Mars is placed in the 6th house
The native becomes angry and has ability to defeat enemy. He is hungry and has a strange vision. He engages in sinful activities. His sensuality breeds guilt. They are very powerful; No one dares to go head-to-head with him. Mars in the old age strengthens the ethics and judgment of the native. Both their losses and gains are equal. If Mars is physically debilitated or aspected by Saturn or Rahu, the native will be corrupt and corrupt in nature. Disturbance will arise from his brother. He will develop a strong passion for sports and activities. If Mars becomes strong in the sixth house, it gives good results to the native in all matters. If Mars is weak, it creates turmoil by resorting to the matter of the sixth house. If Mars is not in the 6th negative or hostile house, this Mars increases the land wealth of the native. If the fraternal planet Mars is the enemy of the debilitated Mars (Ascendant lord) and occupies the 6th house, enmity arises from the fraternal side. Sixth inferior debilitated Mars is painful and destroyer of wealth. If Mars is placed in sixth as a malefic, it causes biliousness, measles, spring, wounds, acne, hemorrhoids, fistula, hemorrhage, cholera, dysentery of blood, stroke, sudden accidents etc. If the 6th lord is in the 8th and Mars is in the 6th, there is severe fever at the age of 6 or 12 years. Fever can also be caused by Mars. They need to stay away from riots.
If Mars is placed in the 7th house
The native is afflicted with various diseases, afflicted by enemies and unhappy in family matters. The native's wife is disturbed. It is difficult to maintain the character of the wife. A wife is not beautiful. He is merciless. If Mars in the seventh house is inferior, inimical or malefic, it causes confusion in the native's mind by giving him many futile and fruitless thoughts and symptoms. The native's marriage occurs. Even if he marries a second time, the wife is fickle, ugly and sinful. Or the person remarries a divorced, widowed or divorced woman. Such a person is repeatedly defeated by the blows of the opposing party. They are in danger on the way because of trade. exalted, own sign, conjunct or aspected seventh aspect Mars does not give the mentioned malefic results. If Mars is in the seventh in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn, the native may gain special fame as a director of a business, an industrialist or a surgeon. Seventh house curve Mars increases the animal instincts in the native. Natives are very stubborn and stubborn. Their sex life cannot be well controlled. Their exuberance is visible to everyone. Behaving cruelly towards husband or wife. A malefic Mars conjunct with a benefic Jupiter cannot give completely inauspicious results.
If Mars is aspected in the man's birth chart, the wife's physical structure is strong, but her appearance does not show feminine charm. The skin color of the wife may be reddish. Wife will be moody. Speak loudly. Will always want to influence the husband. Mars cannot give completely malefic results if Jupiter is under the influence of Mars in the seventh house. To a large extent the evil is destroyed. If weak Mars is in the seventh aspect, the health of the native's wife will not be good. Bleeding in the body of the wife will occur in various diseases. Can't get along with her husband. Native will never find peace in married life. If Mars is placed in the seventh house of the woman, the health of the husband will not be good. The nature of the husband will be stubbornness, anger and fickleness. If Mars is aspected, the husband will be educated and established in his own work. Many husbands may be doctors or engineers. If Rahu is associated with Mars, the native's husband may work in the government police administration or army department. If the seventh house benefic is weak or malefic or otherwise weak and inauspicious, the native will suffer widowhood.
If Mars is placed in the eighth house
If Mars is in the eighth house, it gives dry acne, bleeding, hemorrhoids, dysentery, impurity, leprosy, decay etc. The native falls into accidents or lawsuits. He is likely to die in a fire or some other accident. Asthamastha Mars causes wife or Patinash. If Mars is in the 8th, the fruitfulness of other auspicious planets decreases. Even if the native gets along with his friends, they are hostile towards him! Caste cannot make the end of any work good. No matter how much the eighth house benefic is affected by the benefic, the native will have some evil character of grief and unnecessary touchiness. The malefic effects of Mars in the eighth house can be moderated by Jupiter only slightly.
If Mars is with Mercury in the eighth house:- The native will be wise. If Mars and Moon are together, emotional tension will increase greatly. If the influence of Mars and Venus together in the 8th will increase the excitement of the senses and libido. There will be scandals and regrets in relation to sexual intercourse about the native. There will be danger of loss of character. If Mars and Saturn are together in the 8th, familiar enmity prevails. This yoga disrupts the work force and brings the sorrow of failures and failures. Debt, money, defamation and severe painful diseases will attack. There will be a possibility of committing sins. They should always be careful about injury and bleeding.
If Mars and Rahu are together in the 8th, lust will be rampant. They will suffer physical and mental suffering by succumbing to lust and anger. Disadvantages will occur during the journey. If Jupiter also falls under the influence of this Mars, the knowledge and wisdom of the native will be aroused.
If Mars is weak, malefic or aspected in the eighth house, the life of the person is in danger. He always suffers. Strong and good benefics in the eighth place will take the native to the primitive world. Jataka-Jatika will believe in ghosts. A different philosophy of life will develop in him regarding death. A relative or someone can bequeath the subject-property in the native's name. They will often have the potential for unexpected money. They will be an unnecessary slander in the public service. They can overcome many obstacles with confidence. Vakri Mars in the eighth house gives very terrible results.
If Mars is placed in 9th house
If Mars is placed in its own house, own exalted sign, main trigon or allied house, the native will be lucky. Clear minded, artistic and lucky. Elsewhere, the lucky Mars native is proud of lineage, active, bright, cheerful. Temperamental, angry, jealous, uncharitable, money minded and unlucky. Sin-afflicted and powerless Mars is in the ninth house, making wealth and fortune difficult for a person. By him, success and fame can be easily achieved in any work even in hundred attempts is not Bloody sores or sores develop on the native's feet. He does not have elders and brothers-in-law; However, there is a danger of their loss. According to Phaldeepika, the lucky Mars destroys the birth happiness of the native. On the other hand, fortune-telling is called unfruitful Named.
If Mars is placed in 10th house
The native is known as the best person in his family. He is honest, hard working and royal become rich He gets happiness and wealth. If there is a strong Mars in the 10th, the native excels in heroic deeds. Some are employed in Posts, Cables, Defense Department, Ordnance Department, Army Department and Police Department. Or weapons Improves treatment. If Mars is debilitated, the native commits violence and earns his livelihood by doing activities. With Mars Functionally, if Jupiter is conjoined or aspected, the native will be the Defense Secretary, Commander-in-Chief and senior officer in the police department. Under the influence of Mars, Mercury and Jupiter, the scholarship direction of detective police, government IB department and foreign embassy department. By doing Mars is a great Rhino hero about Saturn and Mars under the influence of Sun indicates employment in a gunpowder factory.
If Mars is placed in the 11th house
The native is brave, victorious and fortunate. Be it police or armed forces, soldiers Department, Railways or Electricity Department or earns money in surgery. He has a beautiful vehicle. copper, coral and Interested in blood color clothes. Mars in 11th gives the native good fortune due to kingship. Natives agriculture Can also benefit from content or gimmicks. If Mars is placed in the aspect of income, the native will be a benefactor of his family members. Scholars and wealthy. If debilitated Mars is in 11th, the native earns money by persecution. He was on fire There is a possibility of loss of wealth. He suffers from children, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law. Daughter-in-law or son-in-law of many are premature There is a possibility of death. The native's wife has a miscarriage. There is a possibility of his wife's health deteriorates due to menstrual pain, hypertension etc.
If Mars is placed in the 12th house
The native will be afflicted with eyes, hearing and voice, suffering, expensive nature, quarrels with friends, Addiction to another's wife, lustful, covetous of other's wealth and hateful of religion. Among them is anger dullness is produced. His bond is fear. He is a prosecution witness in the case. His false slander, marital discord, wife loss, There is a possibility of suffering, banditry and loss of wealth. In the position of auspicious mangal in the twelfth, a person like Indra retreats with him in a military battle. The native becomes victorious over enemies. Mars in the twelfth causes Hemorrhoids or internal pain.
The conjunction or aspect of another planet with Mars is the result
Mars-Mercury Krita Yoga
When this yoga is observed in good form, the originality of the native increases. Innovative power develops. Proficiency in his art is born. He often achieves success through sharp wit and resourcefulness. By listening to the truth, chanting, giving and doing religious work, one gets success. If the yoga is very auspicious, they are always engaged in discussions about principles or good contexts. They get happiness from royal work and success in agriculture. The native's wife and children will be affected and Lakshmi's auspiciousness will be gained in the house. If Mars-Virgo conjunction is inauspicious in the birth chart, there will be fierceness and stubbornness in the intellect of the native. As a result of their nervous system being excited, there is fear of quarrels, quarrels between relatives and friends, insomnia, headache, brain tension, increased body temperature, slurred speech and terrible epilepsy. They will be afraid of defamation, fear of evil, rajnigraha, sudden quarrels, ties, loss of friends, loss of well-being.
Mars-Jupiter Yoga
Hope and enthusiasm increases in the native's mind. In his mind, the instinct of various good deeds arises. The will of altruism is born. Goodwill and piety are awakened. The mind is full of generosity and saintliness. Their development and establishment is growing unexpectedly. The native gets fame, respect, increase in wealth, prosperity in the house, health of wife and children and property. The native is endowed with good health. They achieve success in business. If this yoga is weak and tainted with sin, judgment will be impaired. They cause their own harm by reason. by him The sins of others are reduced. That is, by hurting others unfairly or needlessly, he draws the sense of his sin into himself and immerses himself in more sins. The arrogance of the people associated with this yoga increases, due to which they often get involved in disputes. There are obstacles in their journey or danger from accidents by vehicles or quadrupeds. They are also seen to develop fear of chaurabhaya, fear of kings, fear of snakes, obsession with ghosts etc. Due to weak conjunction of Mars-Jupiter, bilious disease, fever, stomach disease, liver disease etc. are born and the blood circulation in the body is disturbed.
Mars-Venus Krita Yoga
If this yoga is well formed, social instinct will develop in the native. Willingness to communicate with others. will increase A desire to enjoy the company of others will arise. The native may join festivals, clubs, societies, parliaments or councils. His earning power will increase. He will want to get established by accomplishing tasks very easily with strategy. There will be intense joy in friendship and affection. This yoga helps the yogi to attain ecstasy through sadhana. Besides, in this yoga, great happiness of other births, Bhushanadi gain, great sons. Growth, increase in life, increase in wealth and increase in fortune. Jatakas are bathed or danced in Punyatirtha. If this yoga manifests inauspiciously, there is danger of loss of character of the native. Expenditure for entertainment and socializing and for sudden reasons. The native's sexual desire increases. And in relation to sexual love, bad results such as stigmatization and remorse are obtained. Disappointment, friend-discord, loss of money, friendship and love-love arise in the native in various ways. Apart from this, there is suffering, physical pain, loss of wealth, fear of theft, strife, suffering of wife and children and destruction of cattle.
Mars-Saturn Krita Yoga
If the yoga is well established in the birth chart, the native will develop ambition, desire for authority, or desire for leadership. The native achieves success and fame through patience, hard work and perseverance. His kingdom is gained. Riches grow. Cancer grows. Jataka sons and grandsons are added. Their sons are blessed in the month of Magh-Phalgun and honored on Saturday. This Yoga is malefic when manifested in malefic form. Selfishness and arrogance of the native increases. He lacks empathy. He thrives on the loss and misfortune of others. In this connection, there will be some confusion about debts and debts. Makes many enemies at work. Competitor or rival originates. In many cases litigation has to be resorted to in order to recover dues. Slander is spread by enemies or rivals. In this regard, it is necessary to be careful about injuries, bleeding incidents. They often have the possibility of loss of money and property due to theft or natural disasters. Debt, financial difficulties, defamation or acute painful illness etc. may occur. Besides, there is a possibility of great fear, royal enmity due to monoklesh, fratricide, friend enmity, fear of death, torment of grandsons, fear of prison or scepter etc. Some are engaged in various vices and sins. Many are defeated in battle. Urinary tract disease, gout, colic etc. Enmity is strong in this yoga from birth. In birth chart If there is a relationship between Mars and Saturn, even if it appears auspicious, the native should be very aware,
Mars-Rahu Krita Yoga
If the yoga is auspicious in the birth chart, the native will work in police, army or administrative department. There will be wealth from his brothers. There will be special good results in business. Sons will be well. He will have his own foreign travel and will benefit from Ganga bath. In a malefic aspect, the native's energy and enthusiasm are wildly expressed. Selfishness is greatly increased. He does not stop harming others for his own gain. Their passions are fierce. Suffers physical and mental sufferings by succumbing to lust and anger. There is a possibility of loss of money, establishment and health in Surapan, gambling, barbaric affairs etc. Their behavior is condemned. They get involved in various gangs. Mishaps occur during travel. There will be a possibility of loss of money and property due to natural disasters. There will be great growth in their lives. Enmity accrues from low caste, servants.
Mars-Ketu yoga
In this yoga, the arrogance of the native is seen excessively. He is very selfish. At times he becomes very harsh, heartless and selfish. They have to face strong hostility in their life. In some cases, there is a special danger in the conspiracy of the enemy. In their life, there are various problems related to debts and debts. An accident can cause property or financial loss. If this yoga is particularly weak, the vitality is very weak. There comes a time when the performance of the native disappears completely. Many times in their life they have to come in the company of many undesirable people. Many people suffer from blood rage, blood-sucking pain, bleeding and stings from insects, reptiles etc. In this connection, the native has to be involved in some confidential matter. This yoga can not give special auspicious results for anyone. In this way, many people are established, but with that establishment there are some unavoidable things involved.
Mars Transit Results in different houses
If Mars transits in birth sign, pitta dosha or blood disease, fever, injuries, unnecessary travel, fear of enemies, harm from evil people, marital discord, quarrel with relatives, anxiety are indicated.
If Mars is in the second aspect, one has to face confusion in speech, creation of strife, anger, turmoil, fear of enemies, punishment for one's own crimes, failure in action, unnecessary expenditure and criticism of various people.
If Mars is in the third aspect of the birth sign, health, courage and the ability to command others will increase. The native will be successful in all kinds of initiatives.
If Mars is in the fourth aspect, loss of money, loss of honor and fear of enemies appear. Apart from this, domestic misfortune, unrest, misbehavior of relatives, aimless travel and loss of health are indicated.
If Mars is in the 5th aspect, there is increased tension in mind, anger and fear, and sorrow and turmoil from children. It indicates loss of health, stomach pain, depression and failure in exams.
If Mars is in 6th aspect, it indicates increase in happiness and wealth in family life, profit, victory in cases, end of quarrels, cure of diseases, suppression of enemies etc.
If Mars is in the seventh aspect of the birth Moon, it indicates quarrel with wife, increasing unrest in the house, illness of wife, loss of relatives etc.
If Mars is in the eighth house, loss of honor and money, insults from creditors, bloodshed, obstacles, despair, insomnia, anxiety, loss of health and losses are observed.
If Mars is in the ninth aspect, the native will face defeat in all activities. Loss of work, loss of health, humiliation and enmity are indicated.
If Mars appears in the 10th of the Moon in Transit, various kinds of wealth and success in all kinds of endeavors happen.
Happiness, honor, victory and success are indicated if Mars is placed on the 11th of Transit.
If Mars comes in the twelfth of the birth moon, one has to face illness, misfortune, various dangers, expenses, financial loss, wife's anger, quarrels, eye pain and criticism of others.